Additional Learning

Health & Sex Education

Ensuring that children have accurate information about their bodies, including changes at adolescence and facts about conception and childbirth is part of the National Curriculum which all schools are required to teach.

We do this sensitively in Science lessons but believe that there is more to understanding human relationships than knowing the facts. All pupils are therefore taught Sex, Health and Relationship Education as part of their Citizenship Course. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from this element of the curriculum.

Musical Provision

The Music Department has a thriving extra-curricular programme led by a team of enthusiastic and specialist musicians.

There is a school choir that meets once a week and perform in many events throughout the year.

Northgate High School has a band that meets weekly to rehearse. They work with many singers and performers from the school including the choir.

Pupils are encouraged to audition for other cross-curricular events which occur throughout the year, including the school musical production and variety shows.

RE & Collective Worship

Religious Education and Worship are delivered in accordance with the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus, a copy of which may be viewed at the school on request.

All pupils take a GCSE examination in Philosophy and Ethics in Year 11.

Regular assemblies occur which are of a broadly Christian character.

When a group is not involved in morning assembly, pupils are involved in thought-promoting work based on the Theme of the Week.

Parents wishing to withdraw their child from Religious Education or the devotional part of morning assembly are invited to discuss the matter with the Headteachers.

Language for Learning

We aim to ensure that our students have the ability to use both written and verbal communication.

Enabling students to have the language skills required to learn effectively is a priority at Northgate High School. We aim to ensure that our students have the ability to use both written and verbal communication so they can understand and interact confidently with the world around them.

In using the resources included in this section of the website, we hope that students will take greater responsibility for their own language development and strengthen their independent learning skills.

However, these resources are not solely for student use: many of them can be used by parents and carers to support students’ development and actively engage them in embedding the skills they learn at school.

Improve your writing

Literacy – a guide for parent

The Active Speaker & Listener

Writing Tips for parents

Reading Tips for Parents

Questions for guided reading
