Vision & Values

Our vision and values centre around supporting the whole child and is built around having a growth mindset and the 5 Rs. It is a belief that every child deserves to be developed to their maximum potential in every area of school life


Respect: for yourself; for each other; for learning and the learning environment; for people who have beliefs or lifestyles different from your own.


Readiness: to learn; to challenge yourself; to have an open mind; to accept that in order to develop there will be set backs along the way.


Responsibility: for your own actions; for looking after each other as part of the Northgate community; for your own learning and increasing independence; for knowing what you need to do to improve and how to do it; to be the best that you can be.


Resilience: to recognise that not everything will come easily to you, but that to keep trying and to learn from your set backs is as important as the end result; to develop moral courage and know that you are true to yourself and the values of the school community.


Reflectiveness: to be able to reflect upon your attitude to learning and make changes (with support) if you are not yet fulfilling your potential; to reflect upon your own learning as a result of assessment and feedback; to reflect on your place in society and how to be a valuable member of the community.